Selected jury participations
• Jury Fellowship-Programm „Weltoffenes Berlin“, Senate for culture and social cohesion, Berlin
(with Miriam Chebaibai Koch und Ufuk Tan Altunkaya)
• Jury Galerie im Saalbau 2025, Berlin-Neukölln
(with Niina Braun Lehtonen, Yolanda Kaddu-Mulindwa et others)
• Nomination Art Price Zurich, Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich
• Jury for Research Grants / Visual Arts 2023, Senate Administration for Culture and Societal Cohesion, Berlin (with Oliver Foenx, Philipp Hindahl, Susa Husse, Sven Johne, Anike Joy Sadiq, Dirk Sorge, Harald Heiss, Saskia Trebing, and Anna Voswinckel)
• Jury Galerie im Saalbau 2024, Berlin-Neukölln
(with Niina Braun Lehtonen, Kati Gausmann, Saeed Foroghi, and Yolanda Kaddu-Mulindwa)
• Jury for the Karl H. Ditze Award and stipend at HFBK Hamburg (with Sung Tieu and Milan Ther)
• Jury of the Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt 2023, Berlin (with Veronika Bartels, Laure Catugier, Astrid Mania and Hannah Kruse)
• Jury of Neuköllner Kunstpreis 2023 (with Arno Bojak, Yolanda Kaddu-Molindwa, Petra Lottje and Martin Steffens)
• Jury for the Playground Art Prize 2021, Galerie Von&Von, Nürnberg (with Linda Conze (Kunstpalast – Düsseldorf); Dr. Marcus Andrew Hurttig (Museum der bildenden Künste – Leipzig); Christina Lehnert (Portikus – Frankfurt am Main); Prof. Dr. Alfred Weidinger (Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum – Linz) (online)
• Jury for the AArtist in Residence-Programm 2021. A project of the Foreign Office and the regional association of Berlin galleries (with Sebastian Klemm and Jochen L. Stöckmann)
• Jury for the Neuköllner Kunstpreis 2021 (with Dorothee Bienert, Frederik Foert, LIsa Premke and Thorsten Schlenger)
• Jury for the 2020 OSTEN BIENNIAL of DRAWING, Skopje (with Lars Kærulf Møller and Zsolt Petranyi)
• Jury for the Research Grant / Visual Arts, Senate Administration for Culture and Europe, Berlin (with Ingo Ahrend, Ulu Braun, Angelika Richter and Maya Schweizer)
• Jury for the digital exhibition project "Digital Power: Activism, Advocacy, and the Influence of Women Online", Digital Arts Community, ACM SIGGRAPH, DAC-DP2020 PC
• Jury for the German Competition, 66. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (with Stefan Butzmühlen and Ekkehard Knörer)
• Jury for the Hannah Höch Advancement Award, Senate Administration for Culture and Europe, Berlin (with Selda Asal and Dr. Britta Schmitz)
• Jury for the competition of an artistic video work for the entrance situation of the Libeskind building, Jewish Museum, Berlin (with Inka Bertz, Andreas Fiedler, • Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Monika Kerkmann, Cilly Kugelmann, Georg H. Lersch, Martina Lüdicke, Léontine Meijer-van Mensch)
Jury for the Paula-Modersohn-Becker-Art-Price, Große Kunstschau Worpswede (with Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg, Roland Nachtigäller)
• Jury for the artists´ research grant 2016 of the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Office for Cultural Affairs, Berlin (with Kerstin Honeit, Andreas Koch, Marie-José Ourtilane and Nina Rhode
• Jury for the 5th Competition for Young Artists, Anna Nova Gallery, St. Petersburg (with Sergey Bratkov, Yevgenia Kikodze, Dmitry Ozerkov, Olesja Turkina)
• Jury for the Project Space Festival Berlin 2015, insitu Berlin (with Ulf Aminde, Marie Fraftieaux, Marie-José Ourtilane, Matthias Reichelt)
• Jury for the Paula-Modersohn-Becker-Art-Price, Große Kunstschau Worpswede (with Rik Reinking and Michael Stoeber)
• Jury for the visual artists´ catalogue and project grant of the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Office for Cultural Affairs, Berlin (with Uwe Jonas)
• Jury for 5 Artes Mundi, the Wales International Exhibition and Prize 2012, Cardiff / Wales (with Ute Meta Bauer, Adam Budak, Karen MacKinnon, Glyn Vivian, Tim Marlow, Sabine Schaschl)
• Jury for the Paula-Modersohn-Becker-Art-Price, Osterholz Administrative District (with Rik Reinking and Michael Stoeber)
• Jury for the exchange project Berlin / New York, Korean Cultural Institute, Berlin (with Claudia Henne, Britta Schmitz)
• Jury for the visual artists´ working grant of the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Office for Cultural Affairs, Berlin
• Member of the board of experts for the 6th national competition in visual arts "Innovacija", National Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow
• Jury for the Videonale 13 at Kunstmuseum Bonn (with Georg Elben, Charlotte Ginsborg, Marc Glöde, Dieter Kiessling, Tasja Langenbach, Karol Piekarski, Wang Jun-Jieh)
• Jury for the exhibition project Positionen 1960-2010. 50 Jahre GEDOK Berlin, Haus am Kleistpark Berlin, Kunstraum Bethanien, Inselgalerie, Verborgenes Museum
• Jury for the award "Emerging Talents. Nuove Arte Italiana", Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
• Jury for the Margot & Paul Baumgarten Grant, University of Arts, Berlin (Degree programme: Architecture)
• Nominations for the Award of the New National Gallery, New National Gallery, Berlin
• Jury for vdance #3, International VideoDance Festival, Tel-Aviv Cinematheque, Tel Aviv, Israel
• Jury for film / video in the framework of the female artists´ program, The Governing Mayor, Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs, Berlin
• Jury for the project "Mediafacades. Myths and Potentials of Architectural Urban Screens", Public Art Lab, Berlin
J• ury for the 2nd national competition in visual arts "Innovacija", National Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow
• Jury for the international video festival "Videomedeja", Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad / Serbia
• Nominations for the Karl-Schmidt-Rottluff-Stipend, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Berlin and Bonn
• Selection committee for visual art students participation in the exhibition "Exzellent 2007", sponsored by VW Financial Services, Art Academy, Braunschweig
• Jury for the 2nd national competition in visual arts "Innovacija", National Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow
• Jury for the visual artists´ working grant of the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Office for Cultural Affairs, Berlin
• Selection committee for the DVD selection,, London
• German Expert of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin, for the visual arts jury for annual and multi-annual projects within "Culture 2000", European Commission for Education and Culture, Brussels
• Jury for the visual artists working grant of the Senate Department for Science, Research, and Culture, Berlin
• Jury for film / video in the framework of the female artists´ program of the Senate Department for Science, Research, and Culture, Berlin
• Nominations for the GASAG art award, Berlin
• Jury for the grant of the land North Rhine-Westphalia for female media artists´, hartware medienkunst verein, Dortmund
• Nominations for the GASAG art award, Berlin
• Nominations for the project "fair play" of the play gallery for still and motion pictures, Berlin
• Visual art jury for the Villa Aurora-Grant 2003 in Pacific Palisades, USA, Villa Aurora e.V., Berlin
• German Expert of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Berlin, for the visual arts jury for annual projects within "Culture 2000", European Commission for Education and Culture, Brussels
• Jury for film / video in the framework of the female artists´ program of the Senate Department for Science, Research, and Culture, Berlin
• Jury for the video art award 2001, Film Office, Bremen
• Visual arts jury for the Villa Aurora-Grant 2002 in Pacific Palisades, USA, Villa Aurora e.V., Berlin
• transmediale 2000, Podewil, Berlin (selection for the competition in the domain of video screening) (Catalogue)
• Jury for the straw competition of the research institute of molecular pharmacology, Campus-Berlin-Buch, Berlin
• Jury of the Mart-Stam subsidy award 2000 at the Art Academy of Berlin-Weissensee
• Jury for the production and presentation of a catalogue raisoné in painting and drawing 2000, in the framework of the female artists´ program of the Senate Department for Science, Research, and Culture, Berlin
• Jury for the straw competition of the Town Hall's Bridge in Berlin-Mitte, represented by the Senate Department for Constructing, Housing and Traffic, art branch, Berlin
• Jury for the visual artists working grant of the Senate Department for Science, Research, and Culture, Berlin
• Jury for the visual artists international residencies grant of the Senate Department for Science, Research, and Culture, Berlin
• Jury for the visual artists international residencies grant of the Senate Department for Science, Research, and Culture, Berlin